
I’ve used this and variations of this script to generate random passwords for a long time, I originally wrote it in bash, because bash is best!

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SRJ 2019-08-07
import random
import string
msg = """
| In OpenOffice, format a page as 'User', Landscape, 3.37"x2.13", with .15" |
|  margins on all four sides. Select the text below and paste it in a new   |
|  document, then Select All, set font as Ubuntu Mono 10pt Bold. It should  |
|  just fill out two pages.                                                 |
|                                                                           |
| Print to the XPS Card Printer, in Duplex Mode, short edge. The printer    |
|  will print one side, then instruct you to reinsert the card. Push it     |
|  back in at the bottom of the stack, flipping it over so the side that    |
|  just printed is on the bottom. If you flip long edges to print, you'll   |
|  flip long edges to read and vice versa.                                  |
|                                                                           |
|      Press the blinking green button and side two should print.           |
|          This card has no upper case Oh or lower case El.                 |
for Line in string.ascii_uppercase:
    print(Line, end=" ")
    for Place in range(3):
        for Each in range(13):
            print(random.choice(Char), end="")
        print(" ", end="")
