
I wrote this a loong time ago, it amuses me to see that it still seems to work.
The comments in this one make it pretty self-explanatory;

# This gives a list of only the perfectly supported printers under Linux
# It makes a nice list to take with you when you're going to the store.
# The current list of printers include these manufacterers;
# Alps Anitech Apollo Apple Avery Brother CalComp Canon Casio Citizen 
# CItoh Compaq DEC Dell Dym Epson Fuj Fujifilm Fujitsu Generic Genicom
# Gestetner Heidelberg Hitachi HP IBM Imagen Imagistics InfoPrint 
# Infotec Kodak KONIC Kyocera Lanier LaserMaster Lexmark Minolta 
# Mitsubishi NEC NFCP NRG Oce Oki Olivetti Olympus Panasonic PCPI 
# Pentax Pixma Printrex QMS Raven Ricoh Samsung Savin Seiko Sharp 
# SiPix Sony Star Tally TallyGenicom Tektronix Toshiba Tysso Xante 
# Xerox
# Edit the line below to include the printer manufacturers that you have
# an interest in, then run this script.
Manufacturers="Brother Epson HP"
for Each in $Manufacturers 
  echo "=-=-=-=- $Each -=-=-=-="
  elinks -no-numbering -dump 1$Each \
  | sed -e '1,/Perfect/d' -e '/Mostly/,$d' -e '/^$/d'