I seem to do this sort of thing a lot.
Start out by installing the dictionary of your choice, I prefer the ‘Large American’ with;
sudo apt install wamerican-large |
Then, if it doesn’t exist, create a ~/bin directory and move into it;
mkdir -p ~/bin cd ~/bin |
And create a list of shorter words;
grep -E -o '^[a-z]{2,5}$' /usr/share/dict/words > ~/bin/words.txt |
Finally, type all of the below into a file called ~/bin/GenPass or copy and paste it, and then make it executable;
#!/bin/bash Words=~/bin/words.txt # Minimum length of Pass Len=15 # If a number was passed as an argument, set length to it [[ ${1} == ?(-)+([0-9]) ]] && Len=${1} Count=1 # If two numbers are passed in, give a list of that many passphrases [[ ${2} == ?(-)+([0-9]) ]] && Count=${2} True=1 False=0 Sym='!@#$%^&*-_' Num='1234567890' SymCnt=${#Sym} NumCnt=${#Num} Loop=1 while [ ${Loop} -le ${Count} ] do TorF=$(( RANDOM % 2 )) First=$(shuf -n 1 ${Words}) String=${First^} while [ ${#String} -le ${Len} ] do if [ ${TorF} -eq ${True} ]; then TorF=${False} String+="${Sym:$(($RANDOM%${SymCnt})):1}" else TorF=${True} String+="${Num:$(($RANDOM%${NumCnt})):1}" fi This=$(shuf -n 1 ${Words}) String+=${This^} done echo ${String} ((Loop++)) done # Beforehand, do these things; # sudo apt install wamerican-large # grep -E -o '^[a-z]{2,5}$' /usr/share/dict/words > ~/bin/words.txt |
To make it executable, issue the following command;
chmod a+x ~/bin/GenPass |
To run it, you should be able to just type ‘GenPass’ on a command line;
Carbo#Shoot4Pairs |
GenPass 24 Gazes7Bifid&Joch3Sheld$Garum GenPass 14 10 Imcnt7Talar&Inkle Viper6Ender!Grype Rheda2Birls^Didal Popsy2Screw_Ramp Pied8Rhein-Fbi8Fley Valor#Azofy2Singe Irate^Ofays9Aztec Onces_Neuk0Busts Gilpy!Tung5Lept Nasal4Baloo&Aint GenPass 15 21 | column Cere_Clone3Saxes Ulema!Jokes1Scala Hide!Teres3Aglee Owsen@Thowt4Ymca Bdl-Alay7Lamm_Lour Jello#Tsp1Dz&Lynch Solus3Mani&Ogles Bai7Sably_Bourr9Welts Cakra5Woibe_Mysid Tarse3Ample@Fares Taper9Mirly&Plato Prepg!Grunt1Ive-Immix Dildo$Hols7Rived Utile6Feedy@Gt5Soger Fuage&Heaps6Jived Bases*Porch0Cymol Gnarr&Those9Jundy Abash#Pocan4Trike Wool8Mohos$Sluer Daces0End-Aluta2Divan Logos4Mensa#Lobs |